Turtle Manifesto Vsevolod Meyerhold's Directing System and Contemporary Romanian Theater from Theory to Stage Examples

Turtle Manifesto Vsevolod Meyerhold's Directing System and Contemporary Romanian Theater from Theory to Stage Examples

Given the scarcity of accessible information, the book naturally begins with a Meyerhold micromonograph. It traces the path of the most significant moments in becoming an artist, with a minimal stop on the privileged ones, of creative biography where creation and life are confused. The explanations related to the concepts that give uniqueness to the Meyerhold directing system are appreciable, starting with the type of theatre that the artist professes convention theatre (conscious), stylized theatre (style theatre), statuary theatre, procession theatre, going through agit-prop, through the expressionist grotesque, to reach constructivism. Essential pages the author writes about biomechanics and the complete actor, insisting on the shows that made history The Magnificent Cuckold and Tarelkin’s Death, where the precise, almost engineering ways of directing work draw mathematical formulas thought about “maximum acting productivity” in theatrical performance, about the dramatic author-director-actor-spectator relationship.