Comparativism Identity Communication

Comparativism Identity Communication

By bringing the concepts of “comparativism”, “identity”, “communication” together, this collective volume invites a reinterpretation of these defining concepts for postmodernism, a style which considers art as contextual(ized) and constructed. Comparative studies provide new insights into the complex matters of intercultural relations and identity issues, but they also inspire the field of communication studies. Identity is a basic umbrella-term nowadays, because the opening towards “otherness” that accompanies the transgression of the borders of communication implies identity awareness. Multicultural cohabitation is possible if individuals become aware of symbols of identity and their value, if they consciously participate in the intercultural dialogue and operate with flexible concepts and, by all means, if they place themselves under the unifying sign of tolerance. Identity theories identify four facets of this notion: personal identity, role identity, social identity, and collective identity; the subcategories of cultural, ethnical, racial, religious, group, gender identity could be added. Contemporary social psychologists defend both processual symbolic interactionist viewpoints (McCall and Simmons. 1978; Burke and Stets. 2009) and self models on roles and identities (Goffman 1959). For most scientists and writers identity is not a stable, homogeneous, independent, but a rather fluid set of characteristics, connected to/with others’ in time and space (Ferréol & Guy 2005). The contributors expanded the topics raised in the previous four editions of CIC conference hosted by the University of Craiova since 2008. Having an extensive theme range, the conference suggested the following thematic areas: - comparativism: influence, reception, intertextuality, palimpsestic rewriting, comparative poetics, comparative imagology, inter-aesthetic and inter-semiotic relations (literature and the other arts); comparison between languages and linguistic phenomena. - pragmasemantic aspects of communication: emotive meaning, argumentative roles, illocutionary functions, implicit meaning, linguistic/semantic context and extralinguistic/situational context. - the rhetorical aspects of communication: tropes, figures of thought, sophisms; political, journalistic, didactic discourse. - new media/communication technologies and corresponding anthropological mutations: cyber-culture and cyberspace, virtual communities, “secondary“ orality, re-reading of texts in different contexts. - identity (re-)deconstruction: discourse on identity and cultural diversity; post-communist transition and negotiation of identity; “the writing” of the multicultural self in the media; otherness and the dynamics of communicative relations. - postmodern culture: hybridization, polyphony, interculturality. The selected papers illustrate the richness and plurality of the area, including literature, language and culture. In spite of the methodological and thematic polyphony, the volume has, in the space outlined by the three concepts, unity and coherence.