Embodied Identities, (Re)Constructed Seves in British Culture

Embodied Identities, (Re)Constructed Seves in British Culture

According to Stuart Hall, the concept of identity has lately become the target of a “veritable discursive explosion”, being subjected at the same time to a “searching critique”. All disciplinary areas that have approached the concept of identity have been critical of the notion of an “integral, originary and unified identity”, focusing on the process of deconstructing the (Cartesian) self-sustaining subject. The notion of given, fixed, rational subjectivity has been gradually replaced by the notion of fluid, performing identity. Stuart Hall makes an attempt at differentiating between identification as it was traditionally understood in common sense language, and the (post)modern discursive approach to identification. The former meant recognition of a common origin or of some features shared with another person, a group of persons, or an ideal, whereas the latter focused on identification in terms of a construction, a never completed process. Identification could be defined, in Stuart Hall’s terms, as “a process of articulation, a suturing, an over-determination not a subsumption”. Identities are defined by Stuart Hall in terms of a meeting point between discourses and practices on the one hand and the processes which produce subjectivities on the other hand. Identities are the positions which the subject is obliged to take up while always knowing that they are representations, that they are “points of temporary attachment to the subject positions which discursive practices construct for us”. Stuart Hall also contends that, “directly contrary to the form in which they are constantly invoked, identities are constructed through, not outside, difference”. The process of identity construction automatically implies the acknowledging of difference, identity being defined now in terms of interpreting differences. Difference has become, Chris Weedon argues, a “key concept in political, social and cultural theory”.