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The works that make up this volume are occasioned by the International Colloquium RECEPTION OF GRECO-LATIN ANTIQUITY IN EUROPEAN CULTURES, the XII edition, which, like the previous colloquium, takes place under the same constraints to which the pandemic that has disturbed university life and society as a whole obliges. There is, however, the good part that, thanks to new technologies, it is not necessary to completely interrupt academic activities, but only to temporarily restrict direct meetings. The restrictions, uncomfortable but necessary, did not diminish, however, the desire of the authors from the country and abroad to sign up for the colloquium and to contribute interesting and surprising articles through the ingenuity of some of them to find in the fields of competence topics that have a connection with the proposed theme. In addition to the very difficult context objectively caused by the pandemic, there have been for a long time reasons of concern for those who practice in the humanities in general, and for the classicists in particular, caused by the unusually drastic decrease in the matter of time allocated for studying in schools and universities the subjects that have a formative role for this field, this time the causes being rather subjective.

The organizers of the editions of the International Colloquium RECEPTION OF GREEK-LATIN ANTIQUITY IN EUROPEAN CULTURES strive to preserve the continuity of the approach started fourteen years ago with the hope that better times will come, in which more events can be organized to capitalize on the cultural heritage of the classical world in all its dimensions. Until then, with perseverance, it was reached the edition with the number  XII - fast number, but also fateful in the history of Rome, hopefully not of the colloquium. This time, we have proposed a topic perhaps less frequently approached by our classical studies lately, LAW AND INSTITUTIONS IN THE GRECO-ROMAN WORLD, leaving the participants the freedom to enroll their own area of interest under the dome of this general theme and to choose their perspective from which to treat it.

Naturally, the choice of the theme was not accidental, because we wanted it to be consistent with the field in which the competence of the one to whom we dedicate the volume of the works of this edition, LAW AND INSTITUTIONS IN THE GRECO-ROMAN WORLD, was mainly manifested, IN HONOREM TEODOR SÂMBRIAN, the distinguished Professor Univ. Dr.   TEODOR SÂMBRIAN, lawyer of high rigor, professor by vocation and, no less, humanist in the original, multivalent meaning of the concept. Over time, in better times for classical philology in our University, he was a faithful  Socius  et  Amicus  of the Society of Classical Studies in Romania, the branch of Craiova and, to the same extent, of the colloquium that took place under the aegis of this forum.