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Liturgical theology renders a theological understanding of worship. As a distinct subject within theological education, with methodical and systematic exposition, Liturgics appears around the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. Since practising the sacramental or sanctifying function of priesthood represents a priest’s most important obligation or duty, Liturgics usually finds its place in the practical section of theology, along with Catechesis, Homiletics, Church and Pastoral Law; grouping or placement on the exercise in practice of the other two functions of the priesthood: the didactic or teaching one, and the pastoral or leadership one. But not only does Liturgics have a practical side, but also a historical one, as well as an exegetical one, and a doctrinal one. Liturgics is highly connected to Dogmatics and Morality, the cult having deep roots in the teaching of faith and in the Christian religious life, the cult being the expression of the teaching of faith, through it the enforcing and explanation of the Church doctrine. Therefore, the task of Liturgical Theology is to provide a theological foundation that can explain the cult and the entire liturgical tradition of the Church.