Relevanța Bisericii Ortodoxe în cultura română: interferenţe interortodoxe şi intercreştine

Relevanța Bisericii Ortodoxe în cultura română: interferenţe interortodoxe şi intercreştine

At the Faculty of Orthodox Theology "Ilarion V. Felea" within the University "Aurel Vlaicu" from Arad, with the blessing of His Eminence Timothy, Archbishop of Arad, took place between October 21-22, 2019, the International Symposium "The Relevance of the Orthodox Church in Culture. Inter-Orthodox and inter-Christian interferences ”.

The symposium held in Arad is part of the events of the Homage Year of the Romanian village (of priests, teachers and mayors) and the Commemorative Year of Patriarchs Nicodim Munteanu and Iustin Moisescu and translators of church books from the Romanian Patriarchate.

This volume tries to capture, through the contribution of the authors, a relevant aspect of the Orthodox Church's itinerary in world culture, with special reference to Roman culture. The themes approached by the authors are diverse, the way of transmitting the faith and ethos of the Orthodox Church being realized in history in many forms, all centered in the Divine Revelation and in the spiritual and cultural Tradition of the Church. Through this volume, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Arad seeks to emphasize the role of the Orthodox Church in Roman culture and in the current European cultural environment.